
Welcome to Linux Montreal,

Linux Montreal’s purpose is to help companies and individuals convert or help maintain their open computing solutions. Open solutions are usually much cheaper in cost to their counterpart proprietary solutions and often have a better security track record. This is due in part to the fact that open solutions can have their code freely inspected by 3rd party groups and be tested for security holes and other oddities.

Most of the internet infrastructure of today whether it be Amazon or Google (even Microsoft), use some form of Linux-based systems under the hood to perform their day to day activities. The millions of Android phones on planet also run a Linux-based system.

At the opposite spectrum, we have companies like Apple who you have to “trust” are doing the right thing on the ethical and security front. Their source code is simply not available for scrutiny.

Many of the world’s critical pieces of equipment also run Unix/Linux systems in one capacity or another. This mass-adoption over the years is a testament to the proven stability, scalability, performance and cost savings it offers.

We can thank both Richard Stallman and Linus Torvalds in particular for this model of computing, without whom, all of this computing freedom that we now take for granted wouldn’t exist.

Linux Montreal is operated by myself (Erick Paquin) and myself alone. I have been in the IT industry since 1997 and have been working in many of its spheres since. I now concentrate on bringing the best of the Linux and open platforms to others. I live and operate mainly in Montreal but can help wherever you are if need be.

So don’t hesitate to get in touch with me if you need any help (Monday to Thursday, 6pm to 9pm) and have a look at my blog in the mean time if you want to find out more about Linux and open technologies.

Erick Paquin
[email protected]